Thursday, November 27, 2014

November 27, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving
Hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving and ate a lot of food and spent time with the families. This post is going to be about our Dahlborg Thanksgiving Adventure (a family experience).
My parents woke up this morning at 2:30 am with the power out. I woke up around 7:30 am to the power still being out. With no tv or cable to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade instead we played boardgames and ate cookies for breakfast. We hoped after we were done with our games that the power would be back on so we could start working on dinner. That didn't happen so we decided by 11:30 am we would go to get Chinese food. Online the restaurant said it was open. We drive 30 min to the Chinese restaurant and it's not open. Next option is to drive 20 min to an Italian food place. They were too packed when we made it there, and by that time we were so hungry we left. We ended up going to another Chinese restaurant that is a buffet. They were running on a generator and the food was cold, but by that point we were so hungry we ate it anyways. We make it home around 1:40 pm. No power, and the house is starting to get really cold because we also didn't have heat. Thankfully we were saved by some relatives that saved us some of their dinner to feed us. By the time we got home 7:30 pm, the electricity was back. We lost power for a total of 17 hours. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful. I can tell you now we are SO thankful for that hot meal and spending time with family! 

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