Monday, February 16, 2015

Finally after 6 years I made it back to the New England Aquarium! Definitely the highlight of February vacation. Check out some pictures I took on my visit!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"I let them think what they want, if they care enough to bother with what I do, than I am already better than them." -Marilyn Monroe
Today I thought about how much image effects the way people think of one another. What we wear, who we hang out with, what we chose to do.. etc. Then thinking more about it, it wasn't a problem about what other people thought about each other, it was about how we felt about ourselves. So I decided to ask a couple people from both genders questions about image.
Here are the questions
1.) What do you feel most comfortable wearing? 
2.) Does your friend group support who you are or make you feel bad about yourself?
3.) Have you tried to be someone who you aren't? If so why?
4.) If you did change who you are then how did it make you feel about yourself?
...and the answers
  • Anything comfy or fancy.
  • I like to be dressed up, but also casual. You can wear a cute dressy outfit in any situation. It's always better to be over dressed instead of under dressed. 
  • Yoga pants and like a kind of baggy sweatshirt.
  •  Dresses or a hot outfit or really nice clothes.
  • I have different groups, most of them are awesome but some of them make me feel uncomfortable about what I wear or how I look.
  • I have 100% support from my friends.
  • They support who I am but sometimes they just think their greater than everyone else and everything that comes out of their mouth is all about them and not me.
  • My friend group has changed so much and I'd have to say there are very few people that I can trust to always be there for me and support what I do.
  • I don't think so... unless trying to be Blair Waldorf counts
  • Kind of. I've tried to alter my flaws to please people.
  • I have had to try to be someone I'm not I am right now and I don't like it but sometimes you just have to be someone else other people like you.
  • a true friend would defend you. That's hard to find. And that certainly wasn't in my old friend group. I just tried to be one of them. A "popular". I tried to fit in because it was all I had ever known.
  • I never really succeeded at it but I don't like pretending to be someone I'm not.
  • I also found myself apologizing to a lot of people for the things I had said or done cause it was wrong. It was totally a life lesson and I'm glad looking back on it now that I went through it all. I know now what not to be. I found myself through it all and who I want to be.
Now for my answers
1.) I feel most comfortable wearing jeans and t shirt or sweater. 
2.) Over the years my friend groups have grown and changed. I never had one best friend, because I would always move around in friend groups and change. Most of my friends support me, the ones that didn't in the past just so happen to be left in the past.
3.) I have tried to be someone I wasn't. I thought if someone could like me then a lot of people would like me. 
4.) Honestly, that didn't make me feel good about myself. I had to always have this act of trying to be someone who pleases everyone else, but I never sat down and gave myself the time of day to please myself. 
The number 1 reason I'm blogging about this today is because I want people to see how image can be good and bad. It can make people feel like they need to change to fit a certain criteria that they never needed to be apart of. Friends are a big part of this. If they don't support you or make you feel good about yourself, than that isn't fair. Quoting my previous blog post "Confidence is Key": "Self-confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone see how attractive you are if you can't see it yourself?" A confident/happy image is an image that will let you shine through life. Don't think that if you are not happy you should change who you are, but you should become a better you. A you that you would be proud to look at in the mirror and say "Look at who I am and look at all the wonderful things I've done." 
Tips on image~
  • always feel comfortable in your on skin
  • be who you are and not someone everyone wants you to be
  • keep the question in the back of your mind "what's the worst that could happen?"
  • try to do something new
  • focus on the positives in life
  • focus on all of the amazing qualities you posses

Monday, February 9, 2015

Review on the 57th Grammys
An amazing show that captivates its audience every year. Now, here's my run down of the night.
The Red Carpet
Dos & Don't

Do wear..
 Nicki looked amazing in this black dress with a deep V cut. Right before the knee it turned into a sequined fringe exposing her legs.
scale: 9/10

Taylor Swift had the best dress of the night in my opinion. I loved the blue green color, and the opening in the front exposing her legs was perfect. There was a lot of black dresses, it was nice to have a pop of color.
scale: 10/10
 Ariana had an amazing white and silver dress with a slit at the bottom and a small slit at the top. A Versace dress is always the right choice.
scale: 9.5/10
Personally I loved the simplicity of the dress with the elegant well placed cut outs. The hair was a little bit too much for my taste, but the color and fitting of the dress were great.
scale: 8/10

Don't wear...
 First things first, this looks like a giant cupcake. All over twitter there were remarks about how Rhianna stopped at a QuinceaƱera before coming to the Grammys. That could be true.. but she made up for it in her performance outfit which was stunning.
scale: 3/10 performance scale: 8/10

Lady Gaga looked normal compared to all her past music videos, but this dress was a little too much sequin for my taste. Personally, I'm not in favor of a deep v neckline or a slit along the leg. Hair shouldn't much the dress either. 
scale: 1/10

Kim K has a nice instagram, but her outfit tonight looked like a sparkly bath robe. Not a fan. Kim has amazing fashion, I think she could've found something better.
scale: 2/10